Browsing All posts tagged under »emi«

citi bank takes over EMI

February 2, 2011


the long awaited event has occured! EMI, now back under citi will definately be dressed up for a sale, and warner will be its most likely buyer. while some many will blame th shifting music sales world as the cause of the demise, the reality is different – the cause is buying high. the terra […]

terra firma to sue citibank over EMI fraud

December 12, 2009


terra firma had been hoodwinked into buying emi by a nasty and dishonest citigroup (err, well, maybe)

why it must suck to be a music label

November 27, 2009


Warnr brothers Music group results show digital climbing to 21% of its total revenues and consumer spend actually increasing (yes, in the recession) so thats all good news. its still battling to get its head around game rights and distribution, but i am sure that same guys that have given us an endless stream of audience targeted POP and have tried to sue their customers, will figure that out :)

EMI battling to get debt restructuring – what are the implications

November 17, 2009


terra firma cannot seem to restructure EMI debt, is this a sign of the times? all the while, Warner has restructured its debt to make sure it can merge with EMI should the opportunity come up. why cant EMI get new debt? could a significant shift in copyright law be an issue...