Browsing All posts tagged under »future of media«

the arrogance of newspapers

July 3, 2010


i just saw a great interview with googke chief, eric schmidt, at the newspaper association. his talk was great, explaining quiet succinctly the place for newspapers in the more connected future and the shift in information that we now have. what really opened my eyes were some of the questions posed by Journalists. one blamed […]

online publishers – adnetworks – the gight continues

April 5, 2010


publishers are worried that ad networks reduce the price of inventory. adnetworks claim they are providing a service.

a world without newspapers

April 4, 2010


so murdoch foresaw the death of physical newspapers in the 80's and thought it would lead to higher margins but not more competition, in a booming sector (more news is being consumed than ever before) the model based on scarcity does struggle to be relevant - somebody is going to make a bundle out of online news... murdoch?

review of vevo

December 18, 2009


interesting review of vevo

google vs murdoch and their joint publishing R&D

December 18, 2009


murdoch lambasts google on one side but NYT seems to be an initial partner in two new google puclishing projects?

small is the new big in movies

December 14, 2009


are movie studios starting to behave like VC's?

are publishers moving in on ad networks

December 14, 2009


CBS is the latest in a series of publishers to cut out ad networks.

early adopters are moving away from social networks

December 14, 2009


what are trendsetter into this coming year (hint, not sure of these are really new)

is vevo a big mistake for google?

December 12, 2009


is vevo googles decline into the pit of evil? other than the fact that what is good and evil seem to change with time, this is an interesting perspective from Harvard's media lab.

lala and apple – what could it mean?

December 12, 2009


the lala acquisition could open up a range of new opportunities for apple. not only would you be able to acces your music from any device anywhere (wouldnt that be nice) but a number of other opportunities like selling music via search.